A FEW GOOD MEN Over the last several years, just before the anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, I have been the recipient of several telephone calls. They arrive primarily from newspaper editors or television reporters asking my opinion of the latest book or contemporary assassination theory. Nineteen ninety-five, I decided, was to be different for by November twenty-first I had heard nothing. Then late in the afternoon of November twenty-second I received an inquiry from a local television reporter. "Would I care to appear and comment on the latest theory." he asked. "Sure, if I knew what it was." I responded. It turned out the latest theory was no theory at all but the assertion that a local assassination witness, Patsy Paschall, was trying to sell the film she had taken of the motorcade on that fateful day. The following evening I received a call from another television reporter. "What do you know about the doctor from Nashville who says x-rays show Kennedy was shot from two directions?" "Quite a bit." was my response. On December eleventh while at work, the phone rang. The Los Angeles Times wanted information about Oswald's co-conspirator and fellow sixth floor assassin, Loy Factor. "Can you help me!" the writer asked, mentioning that this theory was brand spanking new. My reply, "I'll be glad to help but that story is about two years old." The Assassination As A Homicide I'll consider these episodes in due course, but first let me explain why I think I end up in these situations. I believe the local media considers me a conservative pro-conspiracy researcher who concludes the Kennedy assassination should be looked upon as a continuing homicide investigation. They are looking for someone who will lead them through the morass of information and, if necessary, supply documentation as opposed to theory or conjecture. As far as I'm concerned, If it won't stand up in a court of law, it belongs to the buffs not the researchers. When asked why I am pro-conspiracy I reply that I know of at least two active assassination plots in motion, one in Chicago and the other in Miami, at the time of the assassination. Unfortunately, as of this date, there is no conclusive proof of Oswald's link to either or any other for that matter. The Oliver Stone Effect The release of Oliver Stone's JFK acted as a positive as well as negative catalyst that renewed interest in the case. On the positive side, the movie coupled with the events at Waco and Ruby Ridge, alerted some members of the government to the excesses of the FBI, it favored approach to information some of us expected would never see the light of day during our lifetime and allowed some writers, using that knowledge, to revisit and in some cases set the historical record straight. On the negative side it spawned a host of new self proclaimed experts, advancing theories based on little study and, for the most part, wholly lacking in documentation. As a promotion for his movie, Oliver Stone distributed "Free The Files" buttons. I remember one "researcher" parading around Dallas with several such buttons affixed to the lapels of his coat. Well some of those files have been open for several years now but I have yet to see the product of this "researchers" work. So what happened? Three things come to mind 1] The researcher was no researcher at all 2] after the hoopla died down, the prospect of traveling to Washington to view reams and reams of paper possibly with little result cooled our "Free The Files" fanatic or 3] if the researcher did make the effort and came up empty - Well how does one present a lecture on the assassination based on nothing? Is The Media Really Anti The Pro-Conspiracy Movement By far the most troubling problem is the propensity for some to reach a conclusion FIRST and then look for "evidence" that supports only that preconceived finale. Not only are "facts" twisted but even common sense is often swept aside to make way for the new, best, greatest, decisive theory. Reputable reporters and copy editors are paid good money to pick the pith from the lunacy. The nonsense usually ends up in the tabloids. I know many were upset when the anti-conspiratorial minded Gerald Posner closed the case but what about the several pro-conspiracy spokesmen who also closed the case by naming the likes of Roscoe White, Lucien Sarti, Sauveur Pironti, Roger Bocognoni, William Greer, George Hickey, Richard Cain, J.D. Tippit, Franklin Folley, Charles Rogers, Dave Yaras, Lenny Patrick, Richard Gaines, and Jim Files. How many recognized the pro-conspiracy research creditability problem that ensued when in October of 1988 the British Parliament attacked Central Television and Nigel Turner for airing the so-called documentary The Men Who Killed Kennedy. The Thursday, October 27, 1988 London Daily Mail asserted, "They (Members of Parliament) also called for the removal of Central's ITV franchise and tough new laws, including a Government Ombudsman, to impose penalties on inaccurate broadcasters." It is ludicrous to blame the "establishment" media while we perpetually shoot ourselves in our collective feet. I'm Just A Patsy On the evening of November 22, 1995, Patsy Paschall did indeed appear on local television. She surfaced with now retired FBI special agent in charge (Dallas) Oliver "Buck" Revell on Dallas' local FOX affiliate KDFW, channel 4. Reville was allowed to observe what Patsy felt was the most important part of her home movie, some flashes of light behind the picket fence. Revell considered them interesting and in need of additional study. Unfortunately, as the somewhat apologetic reporter observed, there was little likelihood of such study occurring. Patsy, you see, was interested in selling the film and would have to consult her attorney. Lost in all this was Patsy's admission of the position of Kennedy's limousine when the flashes of light occurred. The episode took place after Kennedy's vehicle had gone under the triple underpass. Careful checking by film experts later revealed those flashes may have taken place fifty seconds after the last shot was fired! Everything Old Is New Again The call concerning the doctor from Nashville was in reference to Doctor Randy Robertson, MD of the Southern Hills Medical Center Radiology Department located in Nashville, Tennessee. Robertson opined in his The Late Arriving Fragment: Reality Bites (The Fourth Decade, Vol. 2, Number 5) that "the autopsy doctors committed perjury before the W(arren) C(ommission)" and "intentionally misidentified" autopsy photo #44 all in an effort to hide a frontal shot. The reporter who called me on this story was of the belief this was fresh information. The station was prepared to interview the doctor on his "new" theory. I simply proposed that many, many Kennedy assassination scholars and authors have been discussing and researching this scheme for over twenty-five years. Trying to keep it simple I reminded him the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded there were at least two shooters, with one positioned somewhere along the picket fence. At some point he decided it best if he call the FOX affiliate in Nashville. Several hours later a message on my answering machine intoned, "You were right Dave, they interviewed this guy last year. We're dropping it." The Loy Factor, Factor In my view, another case in point is the Loy Factor story. In a press release dated November, 1994 a California researcher makes the following claim: Factor, a now deceased (a mysterious death perhaps) Chickasaw Indian, confessed before he died that he was involved in the assassination. Shortly before the fatal gunplay, Mr. Factor also observed Oswald and another co-conspirator, one Malcolm Wallace, on the sixth floor " . . . sitting near a table saw, adjusting rifle scopes." "Three days before the killing, Factor was driven to a small house in Dallas. There he reviewed plans, maps and routes with the others involved. Ruth Ann, a pretty, young Hispanic woman, drove him to the book depository building shortly before the motorcade was to arrive. The pair climbed to the sixth floor, where Oswald and Wallace already were. Ruth Ann carried a walkie-talkie with which she communicated with other unknown individuals. Oswald, Wallace and Factor each had rifles. At the approach of the motorcade rounding Elm street , Ruth Ann counted down the signal - "One . . . two . . . three" - while at the same time waving her hand downward on each number. On the down stroke of three the gunman fired a single shot each, then fled quickly down the stairs - Ruth Ann and Factor to their parked car, Oswald and Wallace in different directions. Loy was driven to the bus depot, a few blocks away where his was to catch a bus back home. But in a short while Ruth Ann and Wallace both returned to the depot to pick up Factor and drive him out of town. (Probably because Oswald had been captured.)" This researcher proclaims "How can we be sure that Factor was telling the truth? Details" Since the truth is in the details, let's examine and question some. Question # 1 - Here we have three shooters spaced at known (each is at an open window) intervals on the sixth floor. At least two have been adjusting their rifle scopes. Take time to look at the photographs of the sixth floor shortly after the assassination. See the rows of pallets full of book boxes. Carefully observe the "sniper's nest." Now determine where Ruth Ann had to be located to be seen waiving her arms in the effort to coordinate the shooting? Somewhere near the ceiling I suspect. Question # 2 - How could three shooters lining up Kennedy in their rifle scopes observe Ruth Ann waving her arms? No matter which eye the rifleman used to site the target, how far would the other eye need to be rotated to observe Ruth Ann? Question # 3 - Since all three fired upon Ruth Ann's third down stroke, why doesn't any ear witness describe three simultaneous shots or one loud concurrent blast? Question # 4 - How did the rifle carrying duo of Factor and Wallace enter the Depository? How did Factor and Wallace, transporting weapons, as well as, Ruth Ann exit the building unobserved? Question # 5 - Ruth Ann and Factor leave together by car while Oswald and Wallace leave "in different directions." How does Wallace get to Ruth Ann's vehicle for the trip to pick up Factor at the bus depot? Why does Wallace return to Ruth Ann's vehicle but Oswald doesn't? Question # 6 - "But in a short while Ruth Ann and Wallace both returned to the depot to pick up Factor and drive him out of town. (Probably because Oswald had been captured.)" Unless I'm mistaken the assassination occurred at 12:30 PM and Oswald's capture around 1:50 PM. Notice of Oswald's apprehension was not broadcast until "within an hour of Oswald's arrest." (15H55) Are we to assume Ruth Ann and Wallace cruised around downtown for almost two hours before returning to the bus depot? Would you consider two hours a "short while?" Question # 7 - As additional corroboration of Factor's truthfulness we are reminded of the table saw the gunman observed. To make the point we are introduced to former Depository employee, Harold Norman (now deceased). Norman correctly indicates the floor was rotten in some spots and plywood was being put down as a replacement. Norman then sifts through the mists of thirty years to say he remembers that "there was a table saw, near the eastern end of the sixth floor." Now there is absolute confirmation for you. Has anybody seen any photograph showing a table saw on the sixth floor? Question #7 - If Factor is telling the truth then what can one say about others who have named different individuals as being on the sixth floor? Are they lying? Are they those shadowy disinformation specialists we hear so much about? Maybe Henry Hurt should again interview Robert Easterling who placed Manuel Rivera on the sixth floor. (See page 356 of Hurt's Reasonable Doubt) What about Ricky White's "Lebanon" or Prensa Latina's Lenny Patrick? Could there be six shooters and Ruth Ann roaming around up there? What if the Warren Commission used similar investigation, evidence and proof to conclude Oswald was not only a co-conspirator but a shooter. Do you think Marina Oswald or her two daughters would quietly slip into the shadows. I can hear Marina now, "Thank heavens for Loy Factor . Here I thought Lee was a victim of the scurrilous government. Boy was I wrong." It has been often stated by pro-conspiracy advocates like myself that somewhere between seventy to eighty percent of the American public doesn't believe in the conclusions of the Warren Commission. That may be true but here's the real question: With all of the conflicting theories, poor or nonexistent research, phony death threat fables, fake mysterious death stories, contradictory book conclusions and lawsuits, just what percentage of the American public believes us? Dave Perry 4601 Ainsworth Circle Grapevine, Texas 76051 December 16, 1995 (Copyright 1995 by David B. Perry) 5